
The alternative style of Maluridé comes from the basis of pop and electric music. However, with their lyric and lyrics-centered vocal score, they are using the tools of classical harmony. The melancholic melody brings chill and enthusiasm to the audience.

The Maluridé formed in 2020, in the current line-up they have been playing together since 2022. The members of the band: Júlia Viszkeleti, Virág Farkas, and Milán Hodován, all got degrees from the Hungarian Liszt Academy. 

They have Hungarian and English songs as well. In 2022 the Telekom Electronic Beats – SZELEKTOR tender chose their song: Keep on Trying into the Top 10 POP songs. They are now the winners of the Hungarian Hangfoglaló Program supported by the national cultural fund. 
They are in front of an exciting, busy summer, most of the major Hungarian festivals booked the band, video clips are in progress, and collaborations are ahead. The trio is always open to collaboration, they are already working with fresh Hungarian contemporary artists such as Balázs Janka Sára, LUNAR Studio (Zsófi Nagy and Márk Venter),  Das Fanni Kimono.
Check out Maluridé:
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